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A comparison of methods employed to evaluate antioxidant capabilities Biol. Res.
Thrce ditferent methodologies frequently employed to evaluate the indexes that report the antioxidant capabilities of pure compounds and/or complex mixtures of antioxidants are applied to a series of mono- and polyphenols, as well as to two wine (red and white) samples. These methodologies are based on the bleaching of a stable radical, the effect of the additive upon luminol chemiluminescence induced by peroxyl radicals, and the effect of the additive upon the bleaching of the fluorescence from a dye molecule. Widely ditferent responses are obtained from the different methodologies. These differences are interpreted in terms of the different factors (stoichiametric factors and/or reactivities) that determines the indexes evaluated by these different...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: ABTS radical bleaching; Antioxidants; C-phycocyanin bleaching; Total antioxidant reactivity; Total reactive antioxidant potential.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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